With sponsorship from Golden Tulip Hotels, Accra, Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GNAD) is hosting the 114th World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) Board Meeting from 6th to 13th May, 2018 in Accra. The venue is Golden Tulip Hotels, Accra, Ghana.
World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) Board Meeting is a periodic activity planned by the Deaf and for the Deaf around the globe, and this year, Ghana is privileged to host the event in line with GNAD Golden Jubilee -GNAD@50 Celebration later in the year. Ghana is a WFD Ordinary Member country. We strongly believe that the occasion will help strengthen the relation between the WFD and Ghana Deaf Community during the programe and the rest of the world in respect to promoting inclusiveness and diversity of cultures especially on deaf issues.
GNAD is grateful to the premier Hotel for proving the ideal venue, accommodation and food for all the visiting delegates attending the WFD event. We are indeed overwhelmed by the kind gesture and the class Golden Tulip Hotels has shown in the hospitality industry and for making the dream a reality. We look forward to more fruitful and sustaining relation years to come. We say “ayekoo” to Golden Tulip Hotels.
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5 thoughts on “Ghana hosts WFD 114 Board Meeting”
Oh that is good.
I am more than happy to hear this good news from the GNAD. Thanks Golden Tulip Hotels for the support to GNAD. the entire Deaf People in Ghana are so grateful for the Support as we prepare for GNAD@50 celebrate which will start on 6th to 13th May 2018. Bravo GOLDEN TULIP HOTELS!!!! You have revealed your love for the Deaf Community in Ghana. May God richly bless you more and more…..
Good job. Congratulations to the board, committees n a big thank you to Golden Tulip Hotels. I say “Ayekoooooo ”
Great news. Our especial thanks go to the management and staff of the Golden Tulip Hotels. The Management of Golden Tulip Hotels has shown that they do have Deaf People and Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) at heart. We will like other organizations and industries to learn from kind gesture Golden Tulip Hotels shown. Bravo Golden Tulip Hotels.
Great news. This venture is surely to enrich deaf community advocacy work in Ghana. Good work to all who led this noble gesture.
I hope outcomes of this meeting will be beneficial to not only the attendees but all and sundry in the deaf community in Ghana.
Thank you GNAD.
Thank you G. Tulip
Thank you WFD